Medea, finding out about the wedding, was outraged, and rightfully so. She sent Creusa a wedding gift of a robe, and when Creusa put it on, she died. Medea was, after all, and enchantress. But Medea was not the only one to become angry at Jason. Hera, who had earlier bestowed Jason with her favor, was appalled at what had become of this man. She was also very angry at how Jason misused her gifts, and everyone knows that you should think twice before upsetting the queen of the gods!
Hera called upon the women warriors known as Amazons and requested them to do her bidding. Even if Hera hadn't approached them, they might have set off looking for him anyway, considering his horrendous disrespect for womankind, as well as their respect for a strong woman like Medea. Hera told them of Jasn's whereabouts, and they gathered their arms and supplies and readied for a battle. Immediately they set off.
All this while, Jason was more or less mourning for his sons and fianceeon an island off of Corinth, unaware of waht was coming. But being a prince, he had many faithful followers, and it was one of these such men that notified Jason of the approaching Amazons. Jason sent out his fastest ship with a call for his fellow Argonauts. All of the men who had joined him on his adventures loyally answered, and were on the island preparing for an attack as soon as they could get their bags packed.
Finally, after a rough month at sea, the Amazons arrived at the island. They were led by the acting Queen at the time, brave and strong, named Ephiny. The war was long and well fought, eventually Ephiny became weary of seeing some of her best Amazon warriors die in battle. She sent a message to Jason calling for a duel, her against him. It would be a glorious duel to the death, and whoever lost would have their army surrendered to the other side. As proud as Jason was in himself, he immediately accepted.
The day finally came, and both armies circled around the battle site. First Jason stepped out. He was wearing fine armor, and he stood tall and proud, his dark, confident eyes scanning the crowd for his challenger. Then, Ephiny entered through the ring of spectators as her wild, curly blond hair swayed in the wind, with a look of concentration and readiness on her beautiful face.
Jason drew his sword first, and Ephiny quickly followed. They circled around each other for a few seconds, and then Jason lunged at her, but she quickly deflected his sword and countered. She would not be as easy a target as jason had hoped. They battled for what seemed like hours in a fantastic display of swordsmanship and footwork, but eventually Jason's pride was his downfalll, and Ephiny had him. Jason lay on his back on the cold, hard ground begging and pleading for mercy. Ephiny was disgusted at this so-called "hero", and she did not kill him, but let him live in shame, for she did not kill cowards.
Afterwards,Jason returned, beaten and weary, to his home, forbidding the Argonauts of ever telling of his defeat. The Amazons had little contact with the outside world, so nor did they spread the story. Perhaps that is whay you say you have never heard this tale before. But at least maybe now you will believe me when I tell you that you can never look at someone as a perfect hero, because there is no such thing. Nobody is flawless. And remember, there are always two sides to a story.
The End
NOTE: This extremely talented budding author Aurora, is only 14 years old and wrote this story for a school assignment.