Now let me tell you a tale of old
About a spider so very bold.
Who pretended to be so very nice
In order to so sweetly entice
A fly into his webby lair
To make his own, its final flair.
"Come inside my friend, and see
Just how nice this place can be.
I'll tell you tales for hours...no days
And you will sing your songs of praise.
I'll give you comfort and delight
Just to keep you here tonight.
I am the master of much fun.
You'll know this all by time day's done.
So won't you join me here my friend?
I promise you won't guess the end."
Now this fly was pretty smart
It knew that spiders have no heart.
It kept its distance and declined
Saying, "I'll stay here if you don't mind."
"It is your loss of course, but still
You must follow your own will"
Said the spider with a low growl
(He possessed a temper quite foul.)
And so the fly stayed well outside
But wanting to watch, decided to hide
And not long after another fly
Caught the spider's watchful eye
"Hello my friend. Won't you come in?
I'll treat you nice, I never sin.
I'll feed you well and tell you tales
My talent makes all others pale.
I will not hurt you, I am your friend
My care for you my only end."
Intrigued, the fly decided to trust
The spider 'cause he felt he must
He entered into the silky thread
And found the spider had made a bed
"Come let me wrap you up real tight
So you will not be cold tonight
As the sun goes down, it chills
My silky sack with warmth will fill
And you will feel all warm and cozy
While you let your fancy mosy
Listening to my tales of wonder
That I'll tell come rain or thunder."
And so the fly willingly let
The spider spin his deadly net
Before it realized what was happening
It was completely covered with wrapping
And the last sound the poor thing heard
Was the evil spider's taunting words.....
"You are so stupid my friend fly
Did you really think that I
Would let you live and be a winner?
No, you see....you are my dinner!!!
The first fly shuddered but being brave
It said, "You fiend! It willingly gave
To you it's trust which you betrayed
Luring it with the kind role you played
You are a spider no more no less
My lack of trust I freely confess
And I am glad I did not fall
Into the trap you set for all."
"I set no trap!" the spider hissed
Besides this fly will not be missed
It was stupid, deserving it's fate
It probably figured it out too late
But I am much superior
To one who is inferior
And I must do anything to survive
It's what keeps me going...keeps me alive."
The first fly sadly shook it's head
"I can't believe what you just said.
You are so mean and very cruel
But Spider I am nobody's fool.
I will tell all the flys
Of your dastardly disguise
And hopefully no more will lose
To your very wicked ruse."
Go ahead! I'll leave and find
Another place with your own kind.
And there I will continue to spin
My web of lies, enticing within
You win the battle not the war
You have not gotten to the core!"
"But Spider, you see I really *have* won
I'll not die today, so my job is done
And I will save all who listen
From your shiny threads that glisten
And that is what it's all about
Save one by one...the slower route
And then there will be many less
For you to trap in your sticky mess
You go hungy but we go free
And for that, Spider, you can thank me!"
And with that the fly departed
The Spider angry it had been thwarted
The moral of this story being
"Open your eyes......when you are seeing."
RedPrincess {{~_~}}
The wonderful spider graphic was created
Brian's Animations
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