The bird continued to fly off in the distance. Finally the lil yellow birdie landed on a rock. The lil girl just had to go up to the birdie, so she ever so slowly crept toward it until she heard the birdie start to sing. The tune that came out of the birdie was oo so lovily unlike any other one the girlie had ever heard she was so captivated and hypnotized in a daze that she could even hear the birdies words to the song..
The lil birdie sang:
Come and follow me to the open sky
where the breeze is warm and the winds blow nigh
upon the wings of God
where blessing flow from heaven to the sod
ever lifting my wings I will go
over yonder and down below
Come and follow me to the open sky
where the breeze is warm and the winds blow nigh
The more the girl listened the more entranced she
became before she realized it she began to change.
Wings began to grow upon her back
and feathers sprouted too.....
Before she knew it she began to fly
and started humming the familuar tune
Come and follow me to the open sky
where the breeze is warm and the winds blow nigh
upon the wings of God
where blessing flow from heaven to the sod
ever lifting my wings I will go
over yonder and down below
Come and follow me to the open sky
where the breeze is warm and the winds blow nigh
The new lil girl birdie flitted back over the hills trying to make her way in the direction that the lil yellow bird had flown, listening ever carefully to the familiar song and singing it as she flew. Up and down the hills she looked until the setting of the sun on high. She eventually found a pond in which to rest and splash around in... all of this flying which was so new to her had left her breathless. Taking a dip in the pond refreshed her so. She fell asleep as she relaxed in the warm fluid and as she foggily awoke she felt the warmth of a body next to her. Opening her eyes slowly she looked to see the lil yellow birdie cuddled up next to her. He began to sing and she joined in and off they flew into the open sky in the warmth of the sunrise as they sang together.......
Come and follow me to the open sky
where the breeze is warm and the winds grow nigh........
The End
Dove ~*~
Bird Art, "Song of the Meadowlark" by Diane Francis
Sparrow Hawk Art Galleries