Once upon an olden time A queen stood at her shore She gazed into the ocean waves Concerned for what lay in store. Her robes of pink and yellow and green Flapped about her form She pondered how to stop this thing Poseidon had sent....this storm. She wondered what had angered him To make his vengence such To send this killer hurricane Her people feared so much. When suddenly a bottle rolled In from the receding tide And in it was a quill and scroll What did it say inside? The candy queen opened it up But no words were on the scroll Perhaps one time there had been but.... The sea had taken it's toll. She gazed up towards the cloudy sky And idley wrote a word And right before her very eyes Magically appeared...a bird! She looked upon the scroll again And back into the sky And quickly thought....hmmm...can it be? And gave it another try. Once more the quill scratched out a word On purpose now she wrote And suddenly upon the waves There appeared a boat! "Oh ho a mighty weapon Have I found today!" She wrote a word and suddenly The churning waves were spray. As she thought about a word That would conquer the storm Poseidon the mighty did appear To shake his fist and warn. "You'll not stop me mortal queen I am a powerful god. To think that you can best me Is at the very least....odd!" "I possess the magic scroll. There's nothing you can do. When I write the final word Your storm, Poseidon, is through!" The sea god raised his liquid arms And sent three crashing waves To liberate the scroll and quill And take back what the ocean gave. The candy queen jumped back quite fast Avoiding the undertow Poseidon raised the waves up higher And gave it another go. The wind swirled 'round her violently The rain began to pour Poseidon's voice above it all Laughing a mighty roar. Struggling the little queen Put quill to scroll and wrote The great Poseidon disappeared That mighty god she smote. She wrote once more quite frantically Then watched the swaying palm The rain ended the wind did too The air became quite calm. The sun shined through the parting clouds Seagulls began to cry Her people gathered on the shore She faced them with a sigh. And so the tale of this brave queen Ends quite happily But what of that magic quill and scroll Well that's another story! RedPrincess {{~_~}} 9/27/98
This story/poem is dedicated to my friend jellybeans and all those who bravely faced Hurricane Georges on the Gulph Coast.
Background and graphic from Xena: Warrior Princess Episode entitled "Lost Mariner". ©1997, MCA/Rennaisance Pictures