Location: The Mouse's Backyard
Birthday: 25 June, 1951
Bio: On the web I have been known by many names. Mainly I have been Callisto, but in the beginning I was RedPrincess, and so I have come full circle, it seems.
I am an animal lover, a poet, a writer, a collector of antique and vintage dolls, but most importantly, I am mother to a wonderful young woman.
I have been around for a long time, I've lived through snow storms and hurricanes and gave birth to my daughter during one of the most treacherous ice storms in Philadelphia's history.
I have lived in the North and the South and love them both. I get goosebumps every time I walk past the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, and smile every time I hear the wind rustling the fronds of the palm trees in my own backyard. I love the hustle and bustle of the city and the peace and slow pace out in the country. And, I always stop and smell the roses.
As Callisto, I was quite well known in Xena fandom. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Ahhh...those were the days... :-)
Interests: I like to putter around the house and do all of the landscaping, yard and garden work myself, as well as doing many home repairs and improvements.
I make simple jewelry using leather and beads, sew clothes for my dolls and create and make costumes for all kinds of occasions.
I can't sing worth a damn, but I can act, and have played the entire Amazon nation in a local production.
I like to cook. I love finding new ways to decorate my home. I love ebay and message boards and surfing the web. I love the History Channel and Ancient Egypt, the Old West and TCM.
I am woman...hear me roar. ;-)
Blog Created: 4 April 2005
Last Updated: 8 November 2010 - 7:22 PM EST
Blog Entries: 18