One night after the grocery store was closed a scuffle broke out. It was as loud as an earthquake. First, the Coke and Pepsi were red as Tobasco Sauce in a hot discussion about who had the least calories. Then, over in the corner, Mr. Clean and Pine-Sol, who could both make floors clear as glass, were arguing over who cuts grease the best. Next, Tylenol and Advil were giving each other a headache over who best relieves pain. After that, Coleslaw and Potato Salad made a big mess in the Deli Department.

Because of all the noise, Super Sandwich woke up. As usual, he was as grumpy as Garfield the cat, but even more so today. He saw a crowd in the Milk isle and decided to walk over and investigate what was going on. He was suddenly taken by surprise by his evil cousin, Potato Man, who had grotesque white eyes growing all over his body making him look as ugly as a warty witch.

As the crowd saw the two rivals approach each other, they all went silent in fear of what was going to happen. The air was as tense as a scene out of an old Western before a gunfight was about to begin. Finally, the fight began but ended quickly when Super Sandwich began to snowball Potato Man with the Eggs. Being his cousin, he knew they were his weakness, just as Kryptonite is to Superman. When the rest of the food saw how powerful Super Sandwich was they quietly went back to their shelves and that was how Super Sandwich was able to get everybody in order before the store was to open.


This story was written by the 10 year old son of my friend. It was originally only intended as a school project but after I read it I thought it was so imaginative that I asked him if I could post it here. I'm glad I did!

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