Every day the other toys would play and hug and kiss the Princess while Wally watched from his corner sadly. He wished he could hug and kiss and play with the Princess too. You see, Wally thought the Princess couldn't love him because he was different. And so he would sit for hours sadly watching the others have fun. There was Mr. Bear, Sebastian the Rabbit, Raggedy Ann, the Two Pink Rabbits who have no names, Tiger the Tiny Cat and PeeWee.
Every night, after the Princess was asleep, all of the animals would sit and talk to each other about what fun they had that day. When they did this poor Wally would put his head down and softly cry himself to sleep, for he had nothing to talk about. Sometimes the others would try to talk to Wally. "Why won't you play with us, Wally?", said Raggedy Ann. "Aw, he thinks he's too good for us", said PeeWee. "Yes, and you're funny looking too. What kind of animal are you anyway?", said Sebastian the Rabbit. "Now, now, that's no way to speak to anyone", said Mr. Bear, "Wally Kowally is a bear just like me". "He sure doesn't look like you!", said one of the Two Pink Rabbits that have no names. "Nevertheless, he's an animal toy just like us. It doesn't matter what he looks like, we must still treat him kindly." Wally said nothing, and went to his corner to hide. There he began to cry softly and cried until he fell asleep.
One day when the Princess came downstairs to play with her friends she noticed that Tiger the Tiny Cat was not there. "Where can Tiger Be?", said the Princess. The other animals looked from one to another shaking their heads. "We haven't seen him since last night when we went to bed", said PeeWee. "He was here then." "Well, we'll all just have to look for him", said Princess Brittany. And so they began their search. They searched and they searched but Tiger the Tiny Cat was nowhere to be found. "Maybe he ran away", said one of the Two Pink Rabbits. "No, I don't think so", said Mr. Bear, "he was our friend, he would never leave us". Now the Princess and the other animals really began to worry.
Just then, they heard a tiny cry coming from way under the sofa. "Help me. Help me." It was Tiger the Tiny Cat! "Help me, its so dark under here, and I can't find my way out!", said Tiger. "Don't worry, cried Sebastian the Rabbit, we'll get you out". The Princess looked under the sofa and there was Tiger way, way under near the wall. "Oh dear," said the Princess, "he's so far back I can't reach him, and I'm too big to crawl under there". "Let me try", said Mr. Bear. But Mr. Bear was also too big to fit under the sofa. "Maybe I can do it", said Raggedy Ann. But she was too big too. And so one by one the animals all tried to rescue Tiger from under the sofa, but they were all too big.
"Oh no", said the Princess, "what will we do?". Just then they all heard a very small voice. "I'm not too big". The Princess and the animals turned around to see who had spoken. "I'm not too big to fit under the sofa and I can see really well in the dark", said Wally Kowally softly. "Where did you come from?", asked the Princess. "I've always been here", said Wally. "But I've never seen you before", said the Princess, "I don't know how I didn't notice you all this time, you're such a cute little bear". Wally Kowally beamed with happiness. The Princess said he was cute! Maybe she could really love him like she loved the others. "Ok, Wally, go ahead and have a try", said Princess Brittany.
Wally went over to the sofa and peered into the darkness. "I can see him, I can see him!", cried Wally. Then Wally lay flat on his belly and began to crawl under the sofa to where Tiger was. "Grab onto my paw, Tiger", said Wally. Tiger held on to Wally's paw and Wally slowly crawled back out from under the sofa pulling Tiger out.
"Hooray!", shouted Princess Brittany. "Hooray!" shouted the other animals. "You did it!", cried Mr. Bear. "You were just the right size", said the Princess. "You are truly a brave little bear". "It was nothing", said Wally shyly. "I love you, Wally Kowally", said Princess Brittany. "Three cheers for Wally Kowally!", said Sebastian the Rabbit. "Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray!, shouted everyone. Then each one of the animals hugged and kissed Wally, and after it was the Princess' turn she picked him up and said, "No more hiding, Wally Kowally! From now on we're all going to play and have fun together, and I will make you the leader of all of the toys. Kneel down please."
Wally knelt down and the Princess put her hand upon his shoulder. "I dub you Sir Wally Kowally, Lord of the Toys". "Hip, hip, hooray!", shouted the animals. Wally slowly rose and bowed to the others. "Thank you Princess Brittany. Thank you all."
Wally beamed! He was finally happy because he realized now that he really wasn't different after all, and that the Princess truly loved him, and that all of the other toys were his friends. "I'll never hide in the corner again!", Wally said.
And that was the first of may great adventures that Wally Kowally would have. Then, there was the time when the evil Prince Cornelius decided he wanted Wally all for himself.......... But, that's another story!
The End