Topic: The American Way
If we had a teaspoon of sugar to help our medicine go down nowadays, the entire population of America would be insanely fat and bouncing off the walls!
Now, I've never been a big TV watcher, but since I've been unemployed, I do admit to watching the tube a bit more than I used to. You know, in the morning with breakfast, then again at noon and of course, at suppertime. I even watch an occasional movie during the day when I'm out of other things to do.
Anyway, I've noticed that for the large part of the day, just about every other advertisement is for some kind of drug. There are pills to keep you from getting heartburn, pills to keep you from peeing yourself, pills to lose weight, and how can we forget those pills that help you have sex. *wink wink* *RME*
My point is, we are becoming a drug addicted society. Drug addiction isn't only for those nasty crack addicts out on the streets anymore. Drug companies have become the Drug King Pins of America, with Doctors as their Pushers. Can we say, "Valley Of The Dolls" anyone?
But wait, it gets worse! Because for every one of those wonder drugs being hawked on TV, there is a myriad of side effects to go along. Now let me just throw something out here. If you had a problem with frequent urination, would you run the risk...and probability...of suffering headache, constipation, nausea, sleeplessness, etc, etc, just to keep from running to the bathroom? Or would you save yourself from all that discomfort AND money, and just take note of where the nearest bathrooms are when you're out?
I rest my case.
So the people who hawk sexual stimulants with their winking, eyebrow raising and "come hither" looks can go jump in a lake as far as I'm concerned. Let people find out the CAUSE of their sexual inadequacies and work them out NATURALLY.
And if you're overweight, don't spend $150 on some pill that probably has undisclosed diet restrictions and exercise requirements to help make it work...instead, take a good look at what you are eating, and how much exercise you get and change your lifestyle.
And don't EVER take a pill to keep you from peeing. Drink more water, pee ALOT and never lose sight of the bathrooms!!! Because believe it or not, PEEING is a very healthy natural function. It flushes out your system thereby ridding you of all the impurities AND fat that you want to get rid of anyway!
Don't take the easy way out...look for the cause, identify the problem (if there even is one) and remedy it as naturally as you can, or you too just may end up sitting in your home, zoning out, just counting the minutes until your next Viagra fix.
Oh might want to save that teaspoon of sugar for your morning coffee...
Posted by redprincess
at 1:38 PM EDT
Updated: 21 April 2005 1:45 PM EDT