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Uhh..Really????  «
RedPrincess Reflective Rants
8 November 2010
What's in a Hiss?
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Uhh..Really????

A hiss.  That's what it all came down to.  A hiss.  So if you read my post below, you know my pain.  The follow up was that my managers made up an admitedly unscientific test for me to determine if I could still do my job.  I passed everything except...I didn't hear a hiss.

If you don't work for Disney, then you are probably wondering what in hell I am talking about.  Well, in certain lands, the way cast members get each other's attention is by...hissing.  You know they go PSSSSST or SSSSSSSST or SHHHHHSSST whatever.  Why?  Who knows?  But its been that way since forever.  Now, mind you, a hiss is a hiss is a hiss, but nobody, but nobody hisses the same way.  There are varying degrees of loudness and pitch and a lot of the time, it doesn't work.


Failing to hear my manager's soft spoken hiss, while standing inside of two very, no...extremely...noisy attractions cost me not only my coordinator job, but any future role that requires me to wear an earpiece on stage.  So, I'll never be a manager, I'll never even be able to work a menial position in foods because...I can't wear an earpiece in my left ear.  And all because of a hiss.  But, I digress.

This post isn't about the fact that I'm furious that a few people who don't have any medical training have absolutely ruined any future I may have had with the company, or even the fact that my heart is broken because I can't work in the place I love.  Its about...hissing.


When I first began my employment as a cast member, I was told about this hissing thing.  I thought even back then that it was a stupid...and RUDE way of getting someone's attention.  I have to wonder what goes through our guests minds when they hear that hissing.  Do they know why its done?  Do they laugh about it if they know what we're doing?  Do they think its stupid?  I would be willing to bet my paycheck and say..."YOU BETCHA!"  Now, not all of the lands use this obscure form of communication.  But for those that do, it is apparently the unofficial official means of requesting contact.  So...I would really like to see how it can be enforced since it isn't written down anywhere and isn't official Disney protocol.  I mean, if you work for Disney, you know that EVERYTHING is written extremely exacting detail.  There is no question, you KNOW what they want you to do.  But...HISSING...isn't in the OG guys.  Get real!!!

Somewhere in all of the do's and don'ts I have read and signed off on is a little paragraph about how Disney is a first name company.  We proudly wear our names AND home towns on our name tags.  We are REQUIRED to wear our name tags.  We are NOT allowed on stage WITHOUT our name tags.  SO why o'why can't we simply call out to each other by using our first names? See what I mean?

I posed this question to the HR lady I have been speaking to and she replied that management feels hissing is a DIFFERENT way of trying to contact one another.  Really???  So this unusual, unique and extremely rude sound is more acceptable than simply calling out a name that we so proudly wear over our hearts??? 

Yeah. Right.  Ok.

Have I mentioned that this primitive and RUDE method mostly never works? Oh yeah, I did.  But did I mention that when the first hiss doesn't work, the hisser becomes more aggressive with their hisses and keeps it up, hissing louder and louder until they have worked themselves up into a frenzy and have spit all over themselves and anybody within five feet of them?  Nah...didn't tell you that yet, did I? LOL!

Well, anyway, bottom line for me is that I am now stuck in a somewhat higher paying job that I absolutely hate.  A job that I find extremely stressful and suffocating.  In an atmosphere that I find extremely wearying.  I keep saying this...I feel so much more comfortable and confident being responsible for people's lives than I do about being responsible for their money...and creature comforts at the resort.

Oh well. Guess I'll just have to suck it up.  But dammit, if I could afford to hire a lawyer to fight this hissing thing, I would.  But no, I work for Disney.  They don't even pay me enough to buy food, let alone hire a lawyer to fight them.  Uh huh. Pretty damn smart that mouse...



Posted by redprincess at 7:22 PM EST
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