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Livin' Large At Walmart  «
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RedPrincess Reflective Rants
10 April 2005
Been There Done That
Topic: Livin' Large At Walmart
Ahhh yes, the American dream store. Walmart. Better yet, the Walmart Supercenter! What did we ever do before Walmart was born?!?!?

So, today I exercised my right to shop at a discount. You know, there was a time when I wouldn't dream of shopping at Walmart for anything other than maybe household items like sheets or small appliances like a toaster or a cheap microwave. But, these days, things being as they are financially, it seems like my life revolves around going to Walmart. Pathetic, isn't it?

Don't get me wrong. I am not, nor did I ever, look down my nose at Walmart, or K-Mart or Bradlees, or any other discount department store. In fact, I used to practically live at a store called Clover, which was the discount version of its upscale parent, Strawbridges in Philadelphia. But Clover died years before I moved down here to the Sunshine State, and Bradlees followed in Clover's footsteps. Too bad, I loved both of those stores. I never cared much for K-Mart. Can't explain why. Maybe its that old comedic cliche, "Attention K-Mart shoppers, we have a blue light special in Aisle 3 for the next 10 minutes." Made the place seem rather cheap and tacky. And although Walmart doesn't announce blue light specials, they have their own promotional spiel in the guise of their little smilie faced "roll back" guy. Yeah, he's cute, but you know, his rollbacks really ain't no big thang...

Anyway, here in the land of The Mouse, where one has to travel miles to buy the necessities of life, having a Walmart open less than a mile away from where I live was...admittedly...a bit of a God-send. They did their market research well. Since that store has opened, I'm guessing that they are making big bucks hand over fist. I can tell you from experience that its always packed, no matter what time of day. I think I read on some vacation forum somewhere that the people from the UK just love coming to America and going to Walmart. Living in this tourist driven area, I can certainly believe that. Why even I have actually bought...*cringe*...*ugh*...(I can't believe I'm actually admitting this)...some clothes and shoes and purses! Heaven help me! Never, in all of my life did I ever think I'd be going to Walmart to buy my wardrobe!!!!

So, today I ventured out to get a myriad of supplies. Hey, I can do that since its a Walmart Supercenter! LOL! While I was pushing my shopping cart through clogged aisles, I heard something that I hadn't heard in years. There was an announcement about a last chance to get a free steak knife in the middle of the purchase necessary! Boy, did that bring me back. I didn't think they did those demonstrations anymore! I didn't go for the free knife, but I did have to pass by the demo on my way to the food section, and when I did, I snorted in laughter. You see, the guy up there was spieling exactly the same way, you know pounding the knife on a table to show how unbreakable it is, and cutting all sorts of uncutable items and such...and probably using just about the same they used to do when I was a little girl.

Ahh the Circle Of Life. Some things never change.

Bradlees is dead. Long live Walmart!

Hallelujah Brothers and Sisters. We are saved.

Posted by redprincess at 4:19 PM EDT
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