
Topic: Florida Lifestyle
I picked quizzical as my mood because they don't have an emoticon for tired . Wonder why?
Today was my third day of standing in the hot sun with a high pressure washer, trying to make my dirty black sidewalk and driveway white and gleaming again. Doing this job, doesn't give you a chance to do anything else at the same time. You can't look around, or you'll have high pressure water flipping all over the place. You can't talk to anybody, because the gas engine makes more noise then a lawn mower so you can't hear a thing anybody says to you, and you can't move around too much while you're washing or else you'll skip spots, so, you pretty much have a whole lot of time to think up weird stuff and stupid questions while you stand there pretty motionless sweeping the ground with lots and lots of water. But hey, look at the up-side! After you're done, you can go to your blog, and bore other people by writing about how boring pressure washing is! LOL!
Seriously though, I have to wonder how concrete can get so god-awful black in a state where the sun shines so much and so brightly. I mean, you would think that the sun would bleach out any stains and the driving rain would scrub away all the dirt so that concrete would always be blindingly bright! But no, that's not the way life is down here. I think I know why it happens though now that I've seen my CLEAN concrete. It's because its not really concrete. Its a mixture of concrete and pebbles, so there are many little crevices in the surface. And when it rains, the dirty run-off keeps getting trapped in those crevices, until viola! You've got a black sidewalk! So, in order to keep your sidewalks spotless and your driveways clean, one must either hire someone at great expense to pressure wash them, or do it yourself. And...well...times being as they are, I chose the latter. :)
There really isn't much to learn about pressure washing. Basically you just have to keep putting gas in the tiny gas tank, keep your eyes to the ground to make sure you're getting everything and move the pressure wand back and forth. Its kind of like sweeping with water. Now, I admit, that doing that for hours and hours can make you kind of antsy and maybe even a bit looney. And I also admit that I found myself using that water to write my name and other assorted expletives on the dirty concrete more than once! LOL! But now that I'm all done, looking at that pretty, clean concrete makes it all worthwhile. And wow did I get a tan! ROTFL! It also makes me half want to go into business hiring myself out to do this. I mean, it ain't THAT bad!!! Heck, I can make 200 bucks or more a house! But...nah...I'm getting too old for this sort of thing. *sigh* Besides, I am not at all finished playing with my new Florida toy...I still have to pressure wash the used-to-be-white vinyl fence that surrounds my property. I just hope that black snake I've seen hanging out back there doesn't decide it wants a cool shower...
Posted by redprincess
at 6:48 PM EDT