The Happiest Place On Earth? Perhaps...
Topic: Mouse Tales
I work in the Magic Kingdom. And it's my job to make sure our guests have the best time at WDW. Let me tell you, oftentimes, its not easy. I think many people come to the MK with an unreal perception of what to expect. The following may sound like a rant, but it really isn't. Its just reality....
Strollers ~ we move them around to keep them in some kind of order. If we didn't, they'd be all over the place, blocking pathways and possibly being moved by other guests to some place far away from where they were originally parked, and thus be lost forever. We're not responsible for things left in strollers, we can't possibly know who belongs to which stroller, so we make every effort to let guests know to take everything out of their strollers and keep things with them. Mostly, that doesn't happen. You know, its Walt Disney World. Its safe. Not!!
Lines ~ Guests love fast pass. Guests hate fast pass. It's Disney. Lines are going to be long no matter if one has a fast pass or not. But those on the standby lines may have a very long wait if the fast pass lines are long. Something to remember, the fast pass guests actually wait longer than the standby guests because most of the time, those fast passes were issued about two hours prior to their return time. The difference is that fast pass guests did not have to wait on the line. They were able to use that wait time to do other things in the park. Fast passes are free, and were intended for that purpose, to give guests time to do something else other than waiting for an hour on a long line. You'd be surprised how many standby guests just don't get that concept.
GWD cards ~ these are supposed to be issued to guests who have disabilities in an effort to help them easily navigate our attraction entrances, however, the system is highly abused. Why? Because many people know how to get around the system. In fact, due to the fact that no proof of disability is required for the card, way too many people get those cards simply to be expedited on the lines, and are in no way disabled, and then they have the nerve to complain if they have to wait a few minutes and/or are not escorted to the front of the line. But GWD cards are not fast passes, so there will be some attractions where there will be a wait, and since most of our fast pass entrances are also GWD entrances, fast pass lines will be longer and wait times increased for those on that line. Also, GWD cards are not honored at character meet and greets or parades and/or parade detours. IOW, its not going to get a guest across the Liberty Square Bridge when its closed for a parade. I can't tell you how many people have gotten mad at me, when they can't go where they want or do what they want after showing me that card.
Dress Code ~ we do have a dress code. Its a family park. You may not know it though. People think, its Florida, so its ok to come to the park wearing a skimpy bra top and short shorts down to their hair line and up to their hips. In theory, its not ok, in reality however, it is. And that's because unfortunately, our Security does not enforce our dress code. About the only time they will is if someone is wearing a lewd t-shirt. Then, they'll either ask the guest to turn it inside out or take it off. And while I'm on the subject of dressing for Florida, it really riles me when I see infants and very young children in t-shirts and shorts during the winter. Our winters are damp and cold. It may be 60 degrees but the same thing that makes us hot in the what makes us cold in the winter. Its bone chilling and those little kids HAVE to be cold. Parents should bring something warm for their kids to wear or be prepared to pay a lot of money at the parks for sweats, hats and gloves.
Attraction policies ~ I won't get specific here because every attraction has its own set of rules. I just want to say, I wish people would be more receptive when CMs explain our policies to them. There have been many times when I shook my head at guests who have tried to hop in or out of moving cars instead of waiting until those cars come to a complete stop. Again, I guess they're thinking its Disney, its safe. Uh huh....
Food & Shopping ~ yup, its costly. There's no way of getting around that. And, large coolers are not allowed in the park, so one pretty much has to buy food there. Souveniers are going to be expensive too. I don't think we have more than a handful of items less than $5. Most things cost $15 and up. So those that come to Disney thinking they can eat and shop cheaply, should forget it.
Parades ~ As much as they'd like it, guests just cannot come to the parade route five minutes before step-off and get a curbside seat. If one wants a good seat, one really needs to be there at least an hour or more before. Its as simple as that.
Stage Shows ~ Vision will be obstructed for most, since everybody is standing and/or moving around. Guests who video, should be aware that parts of their taping may have a big head in front of their lense. Also, speaking of taping, its not allowed in our 3D attractions. The reason is not what most may think, its mostly because its annoying to the guests behind the taper, having to view the movie with the glare of the video screen in their eyes. Also, if someone does manage to sneak a taping, they need to be prepared to view double images on their tape. Putting 3D glasses in front of the lense will not remove them.
Those glasses are made for two eyes, the video camera only has "one". 
Well, I'm sure I've missed a few things, but I'm going to stop now. This post really does sound like a very negative rant, and I don't mean it to be. There are many, many wonderful things about vacationing at Disney. The main one being the look in a young child's eyes the first time he or she sees one of the characters. One of my fondest memories was of a young boy who ran joyously to Peter Pan's Flight just after the park opened one morning. When he got there, he stood in the middle of the path, turned around to his family, opened his arms wide and said, "We're here!" Its little happy moments like that one that make my day. That's what its all about, and I'm honored to be able to help make the magic. 
Posted by redprincess
at 2:40 PM EST