I haven't written here in a long time. Guess I've been happy, huh? NOT!!!
So much has happened, so much bad stuff and really, nothing good. Why did I ever think that moving to Florida was a good idea?!?!?!
You know, you give 5 years to a company and you would think they would be pleased that someone who was a good worker and actually CARED stuck around that long! And treat that worker with respect, or at least compassion. But no. And why should they? They have over 50,000 people working for them. Why would they care about 1, or 10, or even 10,000 of us? We are so expendable. We are so replaceable. We are NOTHING to them!!!! They treat us like shit and expect us to be happy happy happy, efficient and loving our way way WAY below the poverty level paying jobs all the time and always always always provide the mostest and bestest ever service to our guests so that they have the bestest vacations ever and spend spend spend making the company rich rich rich!! So again, why should they care about "the needs of the many...or the one". (Thank you Mr. Spock for that excellent comparison.)
So, WTF???? I have had the same job for 3 of those 5 years and NOW, they say that I can't do that job anymore because....are you ready? Because...I need to hear everything out of one ear since I am pretty near deaf in the other. And that my friends, is something they have known about since I began my employment. I never hid it, nor did I try to skirt any issues surrounding it. I was always up front and even told folks right off the bat about my disability so they would understand right from the beginning.
But NOW...NOW, its an issue. And it has cost me dearly. You see NOW, they say that I cannot do the job I have been doing for the last three years, (which pays mighty suckily I may add), and consequently will have to take one that will pay me at least $40 less per week, that's $160 less per month $1920 less per year, in case you're not thinking mathematically. And I will have to stay at that whatever it ends up being job for at least 6 months. Then, I can apply for a transfer BUT...isn't there always a but? BUT I will never be able to advance to any kind of supervisory position aka make a decent living salary wise, because....BECAUSE...I am forbidden to wear a radio ear piece in my good ear! But hey, its a job, right? Yeah.
They say the reason is that I can't hear things going on around me properly, yet, I haven't had any trouble with that for the past 3 years and even wear a specific kind of ear piece so I CAN hear what's going on outside of the constant yakking on that godforsaken radio. Oh yeah, that and they feel that the high decible level having the ear piece in my ear constantly will eventually kill the hearing in my good ear. Yet...YET, my hearing test showed no change from the last time they gave me one two years ago in either my GOOD or my BAD ear!
Do I think its a conspiracy to get rid of me? You betcha! You see, I had transferred to another area for a year and then decided I missed the old area. Silly me, huh? So, I transferred back. And since I've been back, I have felt extremely uncomfortable for a bunch of reasons. On the day I came back two months ago, I received a bit of a chilly reception from some of my former and new peers, and the same from a couple of the managers, one in particular who I SWEAR is behind all of this shit!!! Things haven't changed much. The peers that I spoke of just act like...she's here, whatever. But that manager, well, that's a horse of a different color. However, I have no proof of any back stabbing, just a gut feeling. So I guess I can't do anything about it. The other managers will never believe me or if they do, won't admit it. And THAT one...will NEVER change. Well, you know what they say...what goes around, comes around. One can only hope.
What a colossal mistake I made in transferring back there. Oh well, its done and now I have to live with the results of my decision. And I don't like it. Not one bit!!! Seriously, they can all go to hell as far as I'm concerned. I just wish I was old enough to retire. But that's not gonna happen. So now I have to figure out how I am going to live. Decide on if I should sell my home (if I even can), or should try to get a bunch of roommates, which ain't easy, nor is it how I want to live.
So who is STUPID STUPID STUPID, me or them? I would say that STUPIDITY was all the way around on this one. But I'm the only one who is seriously screwed.
Life's a bitch.